Preschool: 379 7590 - Littlies: 379 7699

Littlies ERO (Education Review Office) Report 2024

ERO Summary of findings Carterton Preschool Littlies 29th July 2024

The philosophy, vision and priorities of the service create a sound foundation to promote positive experiences that challenge and inspire children’s learning. Parents and whānau actively contribute to an inclusive programme that values, recognises and includes their goals for their children. Teachers and leaders know children and their families well in the context of their home environments. Children demonstrate a strong sense of belonging.

Children are viewed as capable, competent learners and engage with creativity and wonder in unhurried, play-based contexts. Those with additional learning needs are well supported. Teachers respond intentionally to individual children’s cues and rhythms. Oral language and non-verbal language are fostered. 

Learning outcomes from Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum, are interwoven through assessment and planning.  Teachers create environments for infants and toddlers that encourages their exploration and promotes their independence. They build children’s confidence to participate in the programme.

Children and their whānau experience some te reo Māori, waiata Māori and tikanga Māori through inclusion in the daily curriculum. The service continues to build teachers’ culturally responsive practices to provide a curriculum that reflect each child’s culture, languages and identity. Children’s mana is upheld.

Team relational trust enables collaboration and ongoing improvement of systems and processes. Teachers contribute to and engage in collaborative professional learning. Leaders are growing their understanding to use the service’s internal evaluation framework for improvement.

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